Instruction quality

Quality Learning Environments

Research about academic integrity identifies student dissatisfaction with the learning and teaching environment as a key contributing factor in student academic misconduct. Therefore, for educators the challenge is not so much about stopping student cheating, as it is about ensuring and improving student learning (Bertram Gallant, 2017).
  • disengaging or low-interest learning environments can be the result of the perceived disinterest of teachers; poor educational design; and lack of personal relevance or support.
  • disconnection between learning outcomes, learning activities and assessment (e.g. superficial, easy or contrived assessments) can lead to low motivation.
  • discouragement from harsh or seemingly unhelpful feedback can result in student frustration and the erosion of confidence.

Improve instruction: There are a variety of ways you can foster student engagement.

Some strategies for improve the quality of the learning environment include:
  • seek professional development opportunities 
  • create inclusive and accessible learning opportunities for students
  • foster collaborative learning environments which counter collusion and plagiarism
  • provide students the opportunity to engage in intellectual inquiry to develop critical and creative thinking. At The Glennie School, the Learner Growth Framework (below) informs this approach 
  • promote engagement through the considered use of technology
  • constructively align active learning activities with course learning outcomes and include assessments that are authentic and personalised to give students choice and autonomy
  • provide students learning models, and exemplar material and give constructive and encouraging feedback that helps them understand why they were awarded a certain grade, celebrating what they did well and provide clear guidance on how to improve future work.
  • gather formative data in the form of student work samples and formative assessments to identify students who may be finding the work challenging or may otherwise be at risk of disengagement.
  • watch for ‘compliant disengagement’: those students who appear engaged (nodding, looking at the teacher, indicating they understand when asked), but are not completing or attempting work.

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